Thursday, May 31, 2007

Try some cool stuff.....

If you would like to see a new name for Internet Explorer in its title bar, here's how:

Go to: Start >> Run
Type in: REGEDIT
Navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
Single click on "Main" to view its contents in the right pane. Scroll down and check to see if an entry "Window Title" exists. If it does not exist, then go up to Edit >> New>> String Value.
Right click on your new String Value entry and select "Modify" in the resulting menu.
In the "Value data" text box, type in whatever you would like the title bar to read, select OK when done. I have mine named "5 Star Support Explorer".
If you have done this correctly, the next time you open up Internet Explorer, you should see your new name at the title bar.
Note: Be sure to back up your registry prior to making any changes.

To create a shutdown shortcut on the desktop

WindowsXP has a program called SHUTDOWN.EXE which allows you to easily create icons to shutdown or restart your computer.
To create a shutdown shortcut on the desktop:
Right click on an open area of the desktop Select New / Shortcut
Enter in "shutdown -s -t 00" - (no quotes)
Press the Next button
For the name, enter in anything you like. I just use shutdown. Click the Finish button.
For a reboot, enter "shutdown -r -t 00" Shutdown [{-l-s-r-a}] [-f] [-m [\ComputerName]] [-t xx] [-c "message"] [-d[p]:xx:yy]

shutdown ur pc faster or slower

u want to shutdown ur pc faster or slower:
1- start-->run-->regeditwhen u start run and then write regedit

2- +HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE+SYSTEM+CurrentControlSetControl

left kick on control and u will find WaitToKillServiceTimeout.dobbel kick on WaitToKillServiceTimeout.
in WaitToKillServiceTimeout its 20000 it means 20 secunds...if u want to shudown windos faster then get the numbers smaller, like 10000 or 5000 (10 sec or 5 sec) or if u want to shutdown longer writ 50000 (50sec)

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